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InterSTORE is an EU-funded project that aims to deploy and demonstrate a set of interoperable Open-Source tools to integrate Distributed Energy Storage (DES) and Distributed Energy Resources (DER), to enable the hybridization, utilisation and monetisation of storage flexibility, within a real-life environment.
InterSTORE plans to address the complexity of various characteristics of storage solutions and technologies by developing an innovative middleware that, while virtualising the storage technology, will simplify its use from the point of view of integration platform thanks to a technology agnostic approach.
The middleware will facilitate the integration of storage creating hardware independent solution, which are critical from a customer perspective, avoiding vendor locked-in solutions. It will also facilitate its use from a monetisation perspective making sure that more investments in storage are enabled.

The goals of the InterSTORE

Provide 4 software open-source tools for assuring interoperability, flexibility and data standardization

Consider each relevant aspect of flexible use of HESS in different main application areas (EV, Industrial, Residential, Commercial)

Demonstrate 7 high impact use cases in 4 real life living labs

Use beyond the state-of-the-art methods to enable hybridization, utilisation and monetisation of storage flexibility, while also ensuring data space standardization