Open-Source Interoperability Software Toolkit
The state-of-the-art review clearly shows the sheer magnitude of fragmentation that there is in the DER and EMS industries. InterSTORE’s goal in developing interoperability and seamless data sharing is very ambitious and lies at the technical and methodological level.
FIWARE based Energy Campus Management
FIWARE is emerging as a reference architecture in different data-intensive applications including energy. The mainvalue of FIWARE is to create data management that can easily go beyond the single silos of Energy. FZJ is experimenting the use of a FIWARE architecture to realize its internal Smart Campus Experiment.
Flexibility Management Platform, cyberNOC
CyberNoc is a cloud-based technology that integrates and monetizes distributed energy resources for a secure and clean power grid.
The customer can use CyberNoc to manage their assets and provide flexibility to Ancillary Services (aFRR, mFRR), Intraday and Day-Ahead markets.
Home Energy Management System (HEMS)
INESC home Energy Management System is enables flexibility provision from home, working with diverse appliances such as washing machines or heat pumps. Its main functions are monitoring and data analytics on energy usage; optimal scheduling of flexible assets to provide demand side flexibility support.
Residential/Commercial Power Management
Interoperable open-source tools to enable hybridisation, utilisation, and monetisation of storage (InterSTORE)flexibility 12 the EMS provides optimization & control of energy assets for the next 24-hrs such that use of renewables is maximized while simultaneously electricity bill and environmental footprint are reduced with limited or no impact on business performance and user experience (for commercial and residential buildings).
Hybrid E-mobility Management Platform
InterSTORE will contribute to advance the current DES & DER offered by ENELX leveraging from the easy adaptation to standardised protocol to increase the number of supported hybrid DERs (e.g. PVs, load, BESS, and EVs.)
There is a wide variety of DERMS in the market that although they have a high technological level in terms of software, they still lack an in-depth knowledge of base technologies, mainly energy storage systems.