Flexibility Management Platform, cyberGrid
CyberGrid is a cloud-based technology that integrates and monetizes distributed energy resources for a secure and clean power grid.
The customer can use CyberGrid to manage their assets and provide flexibility to Ancillary Services (aFRR, mFRR), Intraday and Day-Ahead markets.

Such assets are typically Commercial and Industrial loads (C&I), distributed (DG) and renewable energy generation plants (RES), and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS).
The platform can be used by network operators, retailers, and implemented in energy communities and smart city solutions, among others.
CyberGrid includes a state-of-the-art VPP system for trading of flexibilities on ancillary service markets, real-time control of flexibility assets and ex-post accounting of resource performance.
CyberGrid is based on microservice architecture enhancing scalability and stability of the software system and supporting the implementation of interfaces to third-party systems. It can be hosted in a cloud environment or on premises, minimizing the operational workload for the aggregator.
An award-winning technology
CyberGrid’s Flexibility Platform CyberGrid was the winner of the 2019 Power Network Innovation Award, hosted by E.DSO and ENTSO-E. The CyberGrid ICT platform was named one of the most innovative and relevant technical solutions for Europe’s future power networks: it was chosen above more than thirty other applications.
CyberGrid’s capabilities
The underlying software design and system level technologies used in CyberGrid are currently deployed within a number of applications and have a proven history of performance and reliability.
CyberGrid’s core functionalities comprise real-time metering data collection, advanced analytics for flexibility forecasting, baselines and evaluations, flex product trading, optimization of aggregation portfolios, monitoring, closed loop controlling of activations, market integration protocols, and automated reporting and accounting functionalities.
The CyberSelect algorithm allows you to trade and utilize the flexibilities in the most desired manner according to the current situation of the market.

Supported use cases:
- Intraday markets
- Ancillary services markets: FCR, aFRR, mFRR
- Congestion management for TSOs and DSOs
- Peak load reduction
- Increase self-consumption of green energy
- Reduction of imbalance risks of the BRP
Additional CyberNoc functionalities
- Web-based front-end apps (operator’s front end with restricted access)
- Customer front-end available from the internet
- User management (fine-grained permissions) including the 2-factor-authentication
- User specific dashboards for performance monitoring
- Flexible grouping of energy assets
- Automatic asset dispatch in real-time or manual dispatch
- Dynamic redispatch in case of underperformance or unavailability of dispatched energy assets
- Support of ramping requirements (e.g. mFRR)
- Automated generation and trading of ancillary services
- Database of accepted bids
- Support of ENTSO-e electricity balancing standards in trading and activation
- Battery management functionalities, battery health monitoring
- EV charging management
- Automatic daily export of standard accounting data in 15 min intervals per asset
- Role-based user management supporting 2-factor-authentication
- Internet of things – IOT
- Gateways supporting TCP/IP based communication: Telecontrol protocol IEC60870-5-104, RESTful API, Modbus TCP, MQTT
- Archive of asset measurements for a duration of up to 2 years
- Manual export of archived data via web app
- Alarms and notifications via email (Mail-Server provided separately) or SMS
- State-of-the-Art security architecture undergoing regular auditing