UC7 – Adaptive BESS management for autonomous grid operation


Adaptive assignment of the BESS role in distributed storage system for improved flexibility optimization and autonomous (micro-grid) operation.

Partners involved
Pilots for demonstration
Simulation workbench and laboratory testbed
Interoperability tools
Client/Server, Protocol Converter, aggregation platform
New EMS HESS systems:


In this use case a distributed energy storage system comprising storage units of the same type but from potentially different manufacturers will be considered.

An example is a cluster of industrial / residential batteries that will be placed in one of the demonstrators.

The actual and former grid conditions, flexibility history, real-time data from the batteries and the historical data related to former battery usage will be aggregated to identify the operational mode of the batteries for autonomous grid operation. Instead to follow a master-slave architecture in which one battery unit operates in a grid forming mode and the others are grid-followers, a data-based algorithm which can be in an aggregator will determine the role of each battery.

In this adaptive approach is gained which will enhance flexibility optimization of batteries and other assets in the autonomous grid. This output on the next battery role will be communicated to the interoperability software which will activate the corresponding battery strategy (either grid-forming or grid-following) as well as to the energy management system for further flexibility optimization.

Other use cases