UC1 – DES Flexibility Market Monetisation


Enable monetisation of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) flexibility at various markets.

Partners involved
CyberGrid, RWTH Aachen University, HESS
Pilots for demonstration
Interoperability tools
Client/Server, Protocol Converter
New EMS HESS systems:
Flexibility Aggregation Platform


A Flexibility Aggregation Platform aggregates flexibility from diverse Distributed Energy Storage (DES) sources, like BESS, HESS, heat pumps and EV.

The real-time data collected will comprise electricity consumption and generation measurements, BESS State of Charge, EV charging status, EV charging power, and if available by local EMS also baseline and flexibility forecasts. The real time data sent to these DES sources will mostly comprise power curtailment set-point.

Its innovative optimization algorithms hybridize them with other flexibilities (loads, RES, DG, etc.) into marketable products. It will autonomously bid the hybrid flexibility products to the most appropriate markets (balancing, TSO and DSO ancillary services, intraday, etc.) and executes the provision of the flexibility.

The use case will explore the diversity of storage systems in the demo sites including size, context and technology. These can be residential, commercial and industrial size systems. EVs, pumps, large batteries and home size batteries of various kinds (lithium, phosphate, cadmium) will be used, to consider a truly hybrid system. The Portuguese demo site will offer an industrial energy community and the Austrian and German demos will offer residential and commercial size assets.

The real-time data sharing and operation is collected via interoperable tools, and will allow the estimation of the flexibility potential to be clustered and offered to markets. The use case is useful for Energy communities, Aggregators, charging point operators (CPO), DSOs.

Other use cases